Eastcheap ... Not to be Confused with Westcheap

The sign for the Boar's Head Inn - circa 1668. This pub was located in the East Cheapside area of London. The word "Cheap" was old English slang for a market - so this area could also be referred to as the "Eat Market. There was also a West Market. Today, the entire area is known simply as "Cheapside." From the book "Historic Hotels of the World," by Robert B. Ludy (1927, Philadelphia)

The sign for the Boar's Head Inn - circa 1668. This pub was located in the East Cheapside area of London. The word "Cheap" was old English slang for a market - so this area could also be referred to as the "Eat Market. There was also a West Market. Today, the entire area is known simply as "Cheapside."
From the book "Historic Hotels of the World," by Robert B. Ludy (1927, Philadelphia)